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Sleeve Gastrectomy Reveals the Plasticity of the Human Gastric Epithelium

Elad Amit*, Moalem Botros*, Dana Sender, Aya Bardugo, Ki-Suk Kim, Yhara Arad, Haya Benhayon1, Ayelet Gal Etzyoni, Nehemia Greenstein, Aviv Halfon, Sarah Knapp, Michelle Malis, Bailey Peck, Itia Samuel, Amram Kupietzky, Saleh Daher, Esther Forkosh, David Hakimian, Tiberiu Hershcovici, Nadav Ilani, Lior Katz, Moshe Rottenstreich, Elez Vainer, Yuval Ishay, Eitan Zlotnick, Abed Nasereddin, Idit Shiff, Ariel Benson, Ronit Grinbaum, Siddhartha Mishra, Shlomi Kotler, Linda C. Samuelson, Darleen A. Sandoval, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Danny Ben-Zvi.

Nature Communications. Accepted



Inhibition of somatostatin enhances the long-term metabolic outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy in mice

Kleimann Doron*, Arad Yhara*, Azulai Shira, Baker Aaron, Bergel Michael, Elad Amit, Haran Arnon, Hefetz Liron, Israeli Hadar, Littor Mika, Permyakova Anna, Samuel Itia, Tam Joseph, Ben-Haroush Schyr Rachel, Ben-Zvi Danny.

Molecular Metabolism. Jun 28:86:101979. (2024)


Engaging high school students in scientific conferences
Dorrit Inbar, Yonatan Kupchik, Danny Ben-Zvi, Yossi Yovel, Irit Sadeh.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution . May 21:S0169-5347(24)00080-6. (2024)


Extensive elimination of acinar cells during normal postnatal pancreas growth.

Miri Stolovich-Rain, Oriel Fridlich, Shira Azulai, Agnes Klochendler, Shira Anzi, Judith Magenheim, Ilan Stein, Fatima Mushasha, Ben Glaser, Eli Pikarsky, Danny Ben-Zvi, Yuval Dor.

Cell Rep. Dec 26;42(12):113457 (2023)


The total mass, number, and distribution of immune cells in the human body

Ron Sender, Yarden Weiss, Yoav Navon, Idan Milo, Nofar Azulay, Leeat Keren, Shai Fuchs, Danny Ben-Zvi, Elad Noor, and Ron Milo

PNAS, Oct 31 120;44 (2023)

Renal Endocannabinoid Dysregulation in Obesity-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease in Humans

Anna Permyakova, Ariel Rothner, Sarah Knapp S, Alina Nemirovski, Danny Ben-Zvi, Joseph Tam. .

Int J Mol Sci. Sep 4;24(17):13636. (2023)

Differential effects of bariatric surgery and caloric restriction on hepatic one-carbon and fatty acid metabolism.

Arnon Haran, Michael Bergel, Doron Kleiman, Liron Hefetz, Hadar Israeli, Sarah Weksler-Zangen,  Agranovich B,  Abramovich Ifat,  Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Eyal Gottlieb, Danny Ben-Zvi#.

iScience Jul 21; 26(7): 107046 (2023).

Simple Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Freely Moving Mice.

Doron Kleiman, Mika Littor, Mahmoud Nawas, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Danny Ben-Zvi.

J Vis Exp. Feb 24;(192). (2023)

Rules for body fat interventions based on an operating point mechanism.

Alon Bar, Omri Karin, Avi Mayo, Danny Ben-Zvi, Uri Alon.

iScience. Jan 25;26(2):106047. (2023)

Mapping the metabolic reprogramming induced by sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition.

Avirm Kogot-Levin, ... , Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Doron Kleiman, Liad Hinden, Erol Cerasi E, Danny Ben-Zvi, Ernesto Bernal-Mizrachi, Yossi Tam, Eyal Gottlieb, Gil Leibowitz.

JCI Insight. Apr 10;8(7):e164296. (2023)


An exercise-induced metabolic shield in distant organs blocks cancer progression and metastatic dissemination.

Danna Sheinboim, Shivang Parikh, ... Neta Erez, Eran Perlson, Tamar Geiger, Danny Ben-Zvi, Mehdi Khaled, Yftach Gepner, Sara Arciniegas Ruiz, Hagit Eldar-Finkelman, Yuval Tabach, Sapir Labes, Guy Choshen, Carmit Levy

Cancer Research, Nov 15;82(22):4164-4178 (2022)

Sleeve Gastrectomy Reduces Glycemia but Does Not Affect Cognitive Impairment in Lean 5xFAD Mice.

Itia Shmuel, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Yhara Arad, Shira Azulai, Tamar Attali, Michael Bergel, Aviv Halfon, Liron Hefetz, Tamir Hirsch, Hadar Israeli, Neta Lax, Keren Nitzan, Dana Sender, Sahar Sweetat, Eitan Okun, Hanna Rosenmann#, Danny Ben-Zvi#.

Frontiers in Neuroscience, Aug 11;16:937663 (2022)

The obesogenic and glycemic effect of bariatric surgery in a family with a loss-of-function mutation in melanocortin 4 receptor.

Ronit Grinbaum#, Nahum Beglaibter, Stella Mitrani-Rosenbaum, Lee Kaplan, Danny Ben-Zvi#.

Metabolites. 12(5); 430 (2022)

Physically interacting beta-delta pairs in the regenerating pancreas revealed by single-cell sequencing

Eran Yanowski E, Nancy Yacovzada, Eyal David, Amir Giladi, Diego Jaitin, Lydia Farack, Anat Egozi , Danny Ben-Zvi, Shalev Itzkovitz, Ido Amit, Eran Hornstein.

Molecular Metabolism. Jun 60 (2022)

Generation and characterization of a mouse model for one anastomosis gastric bypass surgery

Samir Abu-Gazala*, Michael Bergel*, Yhara Arad, Liron Hefetz, Shira Azulai, Aaron Baker, Arnon Haran, Hadar Israeli, Doron Kleiman, Itia Shmuel, Uria Tsubari, Anna Permyakova, Joseph Tam, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr#, Danny Ben-Zvi#.

Americal Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. May 1;322(5):e414-e424 (2022)

Maternal antagonism of Glp1 reverses the adverse outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy on mouse offspring

Liron Hefetz, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Michael Bergel, Yhara Arad, Doron Kleiman, Hadar Israeli, Itia Samuel, Shira Azulai, Arnon Haran, Yovel Levi, Dana Sender, Amichai Rottenstreich, Danny Ben-Zvi.

JCI Insight. Apr 8 7(7) e156424 (2022)


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Obesity – A National Study of 1.1 Million Israeli Adolescents

Pinhas Hamiel O, Bardugo A, Reichman B, Derazne E, Landau Z, Tokalty-Latzer I, Lerner-Geva L, Rotschield J, Tzur D, Ben-Zvi D, Afek A, Twig G.

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Mar 24;107(4):e1434-e1443 (2022)

Sleeve gastrectomy suppresses hepatic glucose production and increases hepatic insulin clearance independent of weight-loss

Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr#, Abbas Al-Kurd, Botros Moalem, Anna Permyakova, Hadar Israeli , Aya Bardugo, Liron Hefetz, Michael Bergel, Arnon Haran, Shahar Azar, Itia Magenheim, Joseph Tam, Ronit Grinbaum, Danny Ben-Zvi#.

Diabetes. Oct; 70(10) 2289-98 (2021)

Bariatric Surgery Affects Plasma Levels of Alanine Aminotransferase Independent of Weight Loss: A Registry-Based Study

Shira Azulai, Ronit Grinbaum, Nahum Beglaibter, Shai Meron Eldar, Moshe Rubin, Shai Carmi, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Orly Romano-Zelekha, Danny Ben-Zvi.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 10(12), 2724 (2021)

Structure reveals the activation mechanism for MC4 receptor to initiate satiation signaling

Hadar Israeli*, Oksana Degtjarik*, Fabrizio Fierro, Vidicha Chunilal, Amandeep Kaur Gill, Nicolas J Roth, Joaquin Botta, Vadivel Prabahar, Yoav Peleg, Li F Chan, Danny Ben-Zvi#, Peter McCormick#, Masha Y Niv#, Moran Shalev-Benami#. 

Science. May 21 372(6544) 808-814 (2021)

Sleeve Gastrectomy is associated with a greater reduction in Plasma Liver Enzymes than Bypass Surgeries: A Registry Based Two-Year Followup Study

Shira Azulai, Ronit Grinbaum, Nahum Beglaibter, Shai Meron Eldar, Moshe Rubin, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Orly Romano-Zelekha, Danny Ben-Zvi.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 10(5) 1144 (2021)

a-Synuclein-induced Kv4 channelopathy in mouse vagal motoneurons drives nonmotor parkinsonian symptoms

Weih-Hua Chiu, Lora Kovacheva, Ruth E Musgrove, Hadar Arien-Zakay, James B Koprich, Jonathan M Brotchie, Rami Yaka, Danny Ben-Zvi, Menachem Hanani, Joschen Roeper, Joshue A Goldberg.

Science Advances, Mar 10;7(11) (2021)

Reversal of diet-induced hepatic steatosis by peripheral CB1 receptor blockade in mice is p53/miRNA-22/SIRT1/PPARa dependent

Shahar AzarShiran UdiAdi DroriRivka HadarAlina NemerovskiKiran V VemuriMaya MillerDana Sherill-RofeYhara AradDevorah Gur-WahnonXiaoling LiAlexandros MakriyannisDanny Ben-ZviYuval TabachIddo Z Ben-Dov , Joseph Tam.

Molecular Metabolism. Sep 26(42) (2020)

Localized Antileptin Therapy Prevents Aortic Root Dilatation and Preserves Left Ventricular Systolic Function in a Murine Model of Marfan Syndrome

Sudeshna FischNoa Bachner-HinenzonOffir ErtrachtLiang GuoYhara AradDanny Ben-ZviRonglih Liao and Jacob Schneiderman.

Journal of the American Heart Association. May 18;9(10):e014761. (2020)


Intestine-Specific Overexpression of LDLR Enhances Cholesterol Excretion and Induces Metabolic Changes in Male Mice

Luca Meoli L, Danny Ben-Zvi, Courtney Panciotti, Stephany Kvas, Palmenia Pizarro, Ricardo Munoz, Nicholas Stylopoulos.

Endocrinology. en.2018-00098, (2019)

Cardiac leptin overexpression in the context of acute MI and reperfusion potentiates myocardial remodeling and left ventricular dysfunction​

David Kain, Amos Simon, Abraham Greenberg, Danny Ben-Zvi, Boris Gilburd, Jacob Schneiderman.

PLoS ONE, Oct 12;13(10):e0203902. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203902. (2018)

Time-Dependent Molecular Responses Differ between Gastric Bypass and Dieting but Are Conserved Across Species

Danny Ben-Zvi#, Luca Meoli, Wasif Abidi, Eireni Nestoridi, Courtney Panciotti, Erick  Castillo, Palmenia Pizzaro, Eleanor Shirley, William Gourash, Christopher Thompson, Ricardo Munoz, Clary Clish, Ron Anafi, Anita Courcoulas, Nicholas Stylopoulos#.

Cell Metabolism. Aug 7;28(2):310-323.e6 (2018)

... and featured in Science 

Sleeve gastrectomy improves glycemia independent of weight loss by restoring hepatic insulin sensitivity

Samir Abu-Gazala*, Elad Horwitz*, Rachel Ben-Haroush Schyr, Aya Bardugo, Hadar Israeli, Ayat Hija, Jonathan Schug, Soona Shin, Yuval Dor, Klaus Kaestner# and Danny Ben-Zvi#.

Diabetes, Jun; 67(6): 1079-1085 (2018)

... and featured in F1000

ADMP controls the size of Spemann's Organizer through a network of self-regulating expansion-restriction signals

Avi Leibovitz*, Hadas Kot-Leibowitz*, Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod.

BMC Biology. Jan 22; 16:13 (2018)



Local application of leptin antagonist attenuates Angiotensin II-induced ascending aortic aneurysm

Ben-Zvi D, Savion N, Kolodgie F, Simon A, Fisch S, Schäfer K, Bachner-Hinenzon N, Cao X, Gertler A, Solomon G, Kachel ET, Raanani E, Lavi Y, Kotev Emeth S, Virmani R, Schoen F, Schneiderman J.

Journal the American Heart Association. May 3;5(5). pii: e003474 (2016)


Angptl4 links adipose tissue triglyceride metabolism with alpha-cell proliferation

Danny Ben-Zvi, Ornella Brannadon, Stephany Hadley, Quinn Peterson, Barak Blum, Douglas A Melton. 

PNAS. Dec 15, ;112(50):15498:503 (2015)

Modeling human nutrition using embryonic stem cells

Danny Ben-Zvi#, Douglas A Melton#.

Cell. Mar 26;161(1):12-7 (2015)

Scaling Morphogen Gradients During Tissue Growth by a Cell Division Rule

Inna Averbukh*, Danny Ben-Zvi*, Siddhartha Mishra*, Naama Barkai.

Development. June;141(10) (2014)

Scaling of Dorsal-Ventral Patterning in the Xenopus leavis Embryo

Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod, Ben-Zion Shilo, Naama Barkai.

Bioessays. Feb;36(2):151-6 (2014)

Creating Gradients by Morphogen Shuttling.

Ben-Zion Shilo, Michal Haskel-Ittah, Danny Ben-Zvi, Eyal DSchejter, Naama Barkai.

Trends in Genetics. Jan 28 (2013)


Glucose Metabolism: Key Endogenous Regulator of beta-cell Replication and Survival.

Dvora Dadon, Sharona Tornovsky-Babaey, Judith Furth-Lavi, Danny Ben-Zvi, Oren Ziv, Rachel Schyr-Ben-Haroush, Miri Stolovich-Rain M, Ayat Hija, Shai Porat, Zvika Granot, Noa Weinberg-Corem, Yuval Dor, Ben Glaser.

Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. Oct;14 Suppl 3:101-8 (2012)

Self-regulation of the head-inducing properties of the Spemann organizer

Inui M, Montagner M, Ben-Zvi D, Martello G, Soligo S, Manfrin A, Aragona M, Enzo E, Zacchigna L, Zanconato F, Azzolin L, Dupont S, Cordenonsi M, Piccolo S.

PNAS. Sep 18 109(38):15354-9 (2012)

Self-organized Shuttling: Generating Sharp Dorsoventral Polarity in the Early Drosophila Embryo

Michal Haskel-Ittah, Danny Ben-Zvi, Merav Branski-Arieli, Eyal D Schejter, Ben-Zion Shilo, Naama Barkai.

Cell. Aug 31;150(5):1016-28 (2012)


Scaling of Mophogen Gradients

Danny Ben-Zvi, Ben-Zion Shilo, Naama Barkai.

Current opinion in Genetics and Development. Dec; 21(6):704-10 (2011)

Expansion-Repression Mechanism for Scaling the Dpp Activation Gradient in the Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc

Danny Ben-Zvi D, Georgios Pyrowolakis, Naama Barkai, Ben-Zion Shilo.

Current Biology. Aug 23 21(16):1391-6 (2011)

Scaling of Morphogen Gradients by an Expansion-Repression Integral Feedback Control
Danny Ben-Zvi, Naama Barkai.

PNAS. Apr 13 107(15):6924-9 (2010)

"Big Frog, Small Frog": Maintaining Proportions in Embryonic Development

Danny Ben-Zvi, Naama Barkai.

FEBS Journal. Mar;276(5):1196-207 (2009)

Scaling of the BMP Activation Gradient in Xenopus Embryos

Danny Ben-Zvi, Ben-Zion Shilo, Abrhamam Fainsod#, Naama Barkai#.

Nature. Jun. 26: 453(1799):1205-11 (2008)

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